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Sl. No. Title View / Download
1 Mid-term appraisal of Three year Action Plan, 2019-2020 to 2021-22 under SDG’s vision-2030, 7 years strategy, 3 year Action Plan
2 Publication of quarterly brochure highlights the achievement of the State Government for distribution among the incoming passeng
3 Achievement and progress recorded in Directorate of IT for preparation of Massage of the Hon’ble Governor of Tripura on the occa
4 Annual Action Plan 2020-21 and mid-term review of the issues & progress of the State Vision Document.
5 TVC Cumulative Report for January, 2016
6 TVC Cumulative Report for December, 2015
7 Internet for All- a presentation by Internet Society Kolkata during 3rd NE Connectivity Summit at Agartala
8 3rdNorth East connectivity summit Takeaways
9 3rd North East Connectivity Summit Takeaway
10 TVC Cumulative Report for November, 2015
11 Internet for All- a presentation by Internet Society Kolkata during 3rd NE Connectivity Summit at Agartala
12 3rd North East Connectivity Summit Takeaway
13 Report of the Committee on NOFN, dated March 31, 2015