
Govt. of India (GoI) is providing support for Capacity Building (CB) to the states for building their own capabilities. Different Training Programmes is being conducted under this project for capacity building of Govt. Employees. Under this scheme, Govt. of Tripura has appointed an advisory body called State e-Governance Mission Team (SeMT) to assist the state in Capacity Building.

The Capacity Building (CB) Project was sanctioned by the GoI for Tripura initially for 3-year period at a total cost of Rs.7.36 crores on 26/02/2008, which had been extended till Jan 9, 2015. Now the project has been further extended up to March 2017.

Apart from trainings like ‘IT Security Policy’, ‘DPR/ RFP Preparation’, ‘e-Procurement’, ‘Project Management’, ‘Business Models & Public Private Partnerships’, ‘Change Management’, ‘Government Process Re-engineering (GPR), ‘e-Governance Project Life-cycle’ etc. other progressive action plans like ‘District wise ICT training centre set up’, ‘NE capacity building’, ‘Capacity building initiatives for ST/SC officers’, ‘Capacity building of common citizen of Tripura’ and Other Misc. capacity building activities are also included under the project.


The Digital India vision provides the intensified impetus for momentum and progress for e-Governance initiatives and this would promote inclusive growth that covers electronic services, products, devices, manufacturing and job opportunities. To meet this vision, it is required to build adequate and relevant capacities at all levels. People, who are expected to design and deliver projects under Digital India, need to be trained in relevant areas. Capacity Building Scheme (CB Scheme) is an initiative towards this objective. Capacity Building Scheme, (CB Scheme Phase I) was approved by the Government in 2008 for taking National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) forward across the country in all the States and Union Territories. Capacity Building Phase II under Digital India is a continuation of Phase I with added focus on Central Line Ministries.


The objective of the scheme Phase II is to provide professional resources and training to political and policy level decision makers for all States/UTs/ Central Line Ministries to build the in-house capacity for implementation of various e-Governance initiatives.

Establishment of an institutional framework for State Level Strategic decision- making including setting-up of State e-Governance Mission Team (SeMT) having relevant expertise and experience to provide technical & professional support.

Imparting specialized training for State/UTs and Central Line Ministries, Orientation program for SeMTs and apex level programmes for decision makers (state legislature and senior bureaucrats), knowledge sharing and bringing in international best practices.

Strengthening of Training Institutions in States.

Major Components:

  1. Training and Development Initiatives –

  • Development of competency frameworks, training guidelines, content, case studies etc.,
  • Developing a pool of certified trainers,
  • Develop Online and Web Based Training and set up Learning Management System,
  • Certification programmes for specialized/key roles,
  • Specialized training programmes (STeP), CIO training, Technical training and Thematic workshops,
  • Apex/Policy Level Sensitization and Awareness Workshops (Leadership Meets),
  • Knowledge Management Framework for e-Governance.

2. Operational Expenses of SeMTs - recruitment, deployment and HR management.


The project implementation is entrusted to NeGD. At the Policy level NeGD would be guided by MeitY and the Empowered Committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary (MeitY), who will mentor and monitor the initiative. At the State/UT level, Secretary of the respective State IT Dept. (or any other department nominated by the State government) and the State Nodal Agency will be responsible for implementing the proposed Capacity Building Scheme Phase II.