
eOffice is a Mission Mode Project (MMP) of Government of India. The product is developed by National Informatics Centre (NIC) and aims to usher in more efficient, effective and transparent inter-government and intra-government transactions and processes.

The product is built as single reusable system by bringing together independent functions and systems under a single framework to enhance transparency, increase accountability and transform the government work culture and ethics.

In the Govt. of Tripura, the Directorate of Information Technology is the nodal agency for implementation of eOffice.

Benefits of eOffice:

  1. Enhance transparency
  2. Increase accountability
  3. Assure data security and data integrity
  4. Promote innovation by releasing staff energy and time from unproductive procedures
  5. Transform the government work culture and ethics

eOffice Version

eOffice Product Suite

eOffice Lite (eFile)

eOffice Lite (SPARROW)

eOffice Lite (eLeave –eTour)

eOffice Premium

File Management System (eFile)



Knowledge Management System (KMS)


Collaboration and Messaging Services (CAMS)


Leave Management System (eLeave)



Tour Management System (eTour)



Personnel Information Management System (PIMS)

Property Return Information System Management (PRISM)



Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window (SPARROW)




  1. File Management System (eFile) automates the processing of files and receipts. This includes creation of files (electronic and physical both kind of files), movement of files in the workflow, tracking of files and their management.
  2. Knowledge Management System (KMS) acts as a centralized repository of various documents such as acts, policies and guidelines.
  3. Collaboration and Messaging Services (CAMS) for internal collaboration and messaging.
  4. Leave Management System (eLeave) automates the leave application and approval process.
  5. Tour Management System (eTour) automates employee tour programme.
  6. Personnel Information Management System (PIMS) manages employee records and the output of PIMS is eService Book. 
  7. Property Return Information System Management (PRISM) for electronic filing of Asset and Liability Declaration, in accordance with the Lokayukt Act-2013 of Government of India.
  8. Smart Performance Appraisal Report Recording Online Window (SPARROW) application for electronic filing of Performance Appraisal Report (PAR) as per the defined channel of submission.


eOffice(eFile) is implemented in the Directorate of Information Technology and in the Directorate of Industries and Commerce. eOffice (KMS) is implemented in the Directorate of Information Technology. eOffice implementation in other departments will be done in phased manner.


e-Office File Management System.

2 e-Office Implementation Handbook.

eFile Modules