The core objective of Capacity Building Phase – II is to build capacities in central line ministries and State/UT Line Departments for implementation of various e-Governance initiatives. This is to enhance the abilities of the project team, to have a holistic understanding on visualizing, conceiving and delivering projects.
Training to the Government officials is a major component of the scheme which is further categorised into following programmes.

  1. Special Training Programmes in e-Governance for Central Line Ministries (CLM): The CLM programmes aim to sensitize senior political personnel (Member of Parliament) and policy level bureaucrats of Central Ministries for their support and commitment in taking Digital India Programme and e-Governance projects forward, integrated delivery of various Government services for the Citizens of the Country. The CLM Training Programmes are envisaged at three levels: CLM-Leadership, CLM-S1 Level and CLM-S2 Level.
  2. Chief Information Officers’ (CIO) Training Programmes: The CIO programmes aim to create e-Governance Champions within Line Ministries/Departments (both at the central and state), who will lead or implement the MMPs under NeGP or other e-Governance projects. CIO programmes are further categorised into e-Governance Leadership Programme (eGLP), e-Governance Champions Programme (eGCP), e-Governance Executive Programme (eGEP).
  3. Train the Trainers (TTT) Programmes: The TTT programmes aim to create and enhance a pool of expert trainers whose expertise can be used by the Central and State/UT Governments for their e-Governance Training Programmes.
  4. Thematic Workshops: The Thematic Workshops aim to enhance the awareness and understanding of issues related to various themes and processes of e-Governance projects.
  5. E-Learning Programmes: The e-Learning programmes aim at providing self-paced learning platform for interested Government Officers to understand the various concepts of e-Governance Project Lifecycle. This is a certificate course, where participants have to enrol themselves online and complete the entire e-Learning programme in a span of one month.