Brief Description:
State Data Center (SDC) is one of the key elements of the IT infrastructure for delivering services to the citizens with greater reliability, availability and serviceability. SDC is the central repository for all e-Governance applications and data of different State Government departments. The Data Centre was commissioned on 24.12.2010 and provisioned SAN Storage system with 130 TB RAW capacity. Currently, around 100 applications and websites of around 50 different State Govt. Departments/ organizations are hosted and operational in TSDC. Disaster recovery site of TSDC is established at National Data Center, New Delhi through storage base replication solution. TSDC is manned by 24/7 basis for operations & maintenance. TSDC is ISO 27001 (ISMS- Information Security Management System) certified for its security practices and ISO 20000-1 (SMS - Service Management System) certified for its operation management.

Cloud Enablement of Tripura State Data Centre:

Tripura State Data Center (TSDC) has been created in 2010 under State Data Center scheme of Govt. of India GoI. Tripura State Data Center is providing Data Centre services to different Departments / Organisations of the State Government. Tripura State Data Center provides better operations and management control and minimizes overall cost of Data Management, IT Management, Deployment and other costs.
Under State Data Center enhancement activities, Cloud Enablement of Tripura State Data Center has been implemented in 2016. Through Cloud enablement, following cloud features are made available in Tripura State Data Center:
1. Virtualisation
2. Resource pooling
3. Accessibility
4. Scalability
5. On-demand self-services
6. Measured services
7. High availability

After implementation of Cloud technology / solution, Tripura State Data Center is providing Infrastructure-as-a-Service IssS cloud service to different user Departments / Organisations. Most of the applications and websites hosted in Tripura State Data Center have been migrated to Tripura State Data Center Cloud.

TSDC achieved following benefits after implementing Cloud:
1. Very less service provisioning time;
2. On demand compute resource upgradation.
3. High availability