Digital Seva (under e-District Project)

Brief Description:

‘e-District’ is one of the Mission Mode Projects (MMPs) under National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), funded by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India (GoI), implemented by State Governments or their designated agencies. In Tripura, e-District, also known as Digital Seva, has been implemented by the Directorate of Information Technology, Govt. of Tripura. District e-Governance Society (DeGS) has been formed in each district of the State for co-ordination, supervision and monitoring of the implementation and operation of the eDistrict project at district level.

This MMP aims at electronic delivery of identified high volume citizen centric services (G2C), at district, sub-division and directorate levels. To achieve the objectives, service levels and outcomes for each of the services have been clearly laid down by the State Government with a view to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall service delivery mechanism.

Presently, 47 nos. services are available through Tripura e-district Portal (  The project is capable to be scaled up to include other services when required. e-District is defining a paradigm shift in G2C service delivery process impacting lives of the common man.



  1. End to end work-flow based online service delivery platform.One can make application online and receive service output online.
  2. Digital signed certificate issued.
  3. Certificate issued from Digital Seva platform can be verified through this platform.
  4. Output/ certificate may be received through email.
  5. SMS notification during various important stages.
  6. Application status may be enquired online.
  7. Online payment system eGRAS integrated.

List of services being delivered under Digital Seva online platform:

Sl. No.  Service Name
1 Application for License of Weights and Measures under Legal Metrology for an Establishment
2 Approval for Mobile Tower - EoDB
3 BRU DBT Relief Rehabilitation
4 Certificate of Land Use - EoDB
5 Certificate of Non Forest Land - EoDB
6 Character and Antecedents Verification for Individual
7 Cinematograph License and License for Screening of Films - EoDB
8 Dependent Certificate
9 Distance Certificate
10 ePass for Movement amid COVID-19 Pandemic
11 Financial Assistance under Swabalamban
12 Food Stuff License
13 Grievance Redressal
14 Gun License Renewal
15 Income Certificate
16 Issue of Letter of Intent in case of fresh lease for environmental clearance - category B2- Less than 5 acres - EoDB
17 Land Valuation Certificate
18 Letter on Distance From Forest Land - EoDB
19 License for Sale of Crackers - EoDB
20 Licensing for Auditorium/ Place of Public Amusement / Performance for Public Amusement-EoDB
21 Marriage Certificate
22 Matabari Special Darshan Booking
23 Mata Tripura Sundari Temple Trust Donation
24 Mining Lease/ Composite License/ Non-Exclusive Reconnaissance Permit - EoDB
25 NOC For Setting Up A Retail Outlet For Storage, Sale And Transportation Of Petroleum, Diesel Etc.-EoDB
26 NoC for Setting up CBSE School - EoDB
27 NOC for Setting Up Explosive Storage And Transportation-EoDB
28 OBC Certificate – Central
29 OBC Certificate – State
30 Permanent Resident of Tripura Certificate
31 Registration of Contractors Class I to IV for Works & Services - EoDB
32 Registration of Contractors Class V for Works & Services - EoDB
33 Registration of Cooperative Societies - EoDB
34 Registration of Elementary Schools under Right to Education-EoDB
35 Registration of Packer, Manufacturer and Importer
36 Registration of Pre-primary / Play School - EoDB
37 Renewal of Foodstuff License
38 Renewal of Small Savings Agent License (MPKBY)
39 Right to Information
40 Road Cutting Permission - EoDB
41 SC Certificate
42 Small Savings Agents License MPKBY
43 Standardized Agency System
44 ST Certificate
45 Survival Certificate
46 Tax Clearance Certificate
47 Verification/ Re-verification of Weights, Measures, Weighing and Measuring Instruments

To know more regarding e-District Project, please click here.