Cancellation of NIQ for supply and installation of 5 nos. Hard Disk Drive (HDD) for existing SAN Storages of TSDC |
NIQ Cancellation Memo.pdf |
Invitation for Sealed Quotations: Renovation of Ceiling Tiles and Wall Paint in Conference Hall at IT Bhavan, Agartala |
Short notice inviting quotation.pdf |
NIQ for supply & installation of 5 nos. Hard Disk Drive (HDD) for existing SAN Storages of TSDC |
NIQ_19022025.pdf |
Tender regarding hiring of LED display and accessories under DIT. |
eTender for Hiring of Vehicle |
eTender for Hiring of Vehicle.pdf |
RFP for Engagement of Agency for renewal of support license of the existing Fortinet Firewall of Tripura State Data Centre (TSDC) |
NIT.pdf |
Request for proposal for selection of agency for supply of manpower under Directorate of Information Technology. Dated 18th Dec |
Tender_4.pdf |
Request for proposal for engagement of agency for supply and installation of batteries on buy back mode for 120 KVA UPS of Tripura |
NIT_11.pdf |
Tender regarding hiring of vehicle for official use under Directorate of Information Technology. Dated 26th September, 2023 |
Tender for engaging manpower for Operation and management of MyGov-Tripura under DIT, Gov. of Tripura. |
ICA9714_0001.pdf |
Tender for supply, installation, Maintenance of Video Conferencing Systems.Dt.18.08.2023 |
Advertisement of VC2.pdf |
Request for proposal for selection of agency for supply of manpower. Dated 14.08.2023 |
NITmanpowwerTSCA.pdf |
NIQ for supply & installation of 2 nos. 1.8 Ton 5 Star Inverter Split AC in TSDC under DIT, Govt. of Tripura |
Notice_Inviting_Quotation_for_2_nos._of _AC.pdf |
NIQ for providing high speed internet connectivity with Wi-Fi facility at Indoor Hall of Hapania International Fair Ground |
NIQ-for-International-Fair-Ground.pdf |
Response to the Queries made by the prospective bidders in connection to the RFP vide No.F.19(26)/DIT/SDC/2022 dated 07.12.2022 |
Response_RFP_vide_F.No_.19(26)DITSDC2022.pdf |
Corrigendum 1: Extension of last date of bid submission for RFP |
CorrigendmforSTC.pdf |
Request for Proposal for Supply, Installation & Maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System for all Police Stations in Tripura |
Tendernotice_1 (4).pdf |