Title Upload Document
Cancellation of NIQ for supply and installation of 5 nos. Hard Disk Drive (HDD) for existing SAN Storages of TSDC NIQ Cancellation Memo.pdf
Invitation for Sealed Quotations: Renovation of Ceiling Tiles and Wall Paint in Conference Hall at IT Bhavan, Agartala Short notice inviting quotation.pdf
NIQ for supply & installation of 5 nos. Hard Disk Drive (HDD) for existing SAN Storages of TSDC NIQ_19022025.pdf
Tender regarding hiring of LED display and accessories under DIT. SHORT_NOTICE_INVITING_QUOTATION-LED.pdf
eTender for Hiring of Vehicle eTender for Hiring of Vehicle.pdf
RFP for Engagement of Agency for renewal of support license of the existing Fortinet Firewall of Tripura State Data Centre (TSDC) NIT.pdf
Request for proposal for selection of agency for supply of manpower under Directorate of Information Technology. Dated 18th Dec Tender_4.pdf
Request for proposal for engagement of agency for supply and installation of batteries on buy back mode for 120 KVA UPS of Tripura NIT_11.pdf
Tender regarding hiring of vehicle for official use under Directorate of Information Technology. Dated 26th September, 2023 NOTICE INVITING TENDER.pdf
Tender for engaging manpower for Operation and management of MyGov-Tripura under DIT, Gov. of Tripura. ICA9714_0001.pdf
Tender for supply, installation, Maintenance of Video Conferencing Systems.Dt.18.08.2023 Advertisement of VC2.pdf
Request for proposal for selection of agency for supply of manpower. Dated 14.08.2023 NITmanpowwerTSCA.pdf
NIQ for supply & installation of 2 nos. 1.8 Ton 5 Star Inverter Split AC in TSDC under DIT, Govt. of Tripura Notice_Inviting_Quotation_for_2_nos._of _AC.pdf
NIQ for providing high speed internet connectivity with Wi-Fi facility at Indoor Hall of Hapania International Fair Ground NIQ-for-International-Fair-Ground.pdf
Response to the Queries made by the prospective bidders in connection to the RFP vide No.F.19(26)/DIT/SDC/2022 dated 07.12.2022 Response_RFP_vide_F.No_.19(26)DITSDC2022.pdf
Corrigendum 1: Extension of last date of bid submission for RFP CorrigendmforSTC.pdf
Request for Proposal for Supply, Installation & Maintenance of CCTV Surveillance System for all Police Stations in Tripura Tendernotice_1 (4).pdf